Hundreds of Grand Rapids-area kids attended “Lids for Kids,” an event promoting bicycle safety

Lids for Kids Event in Michigan
This past Saturday, the Sinas Dramis Law Firm, along with the Brain Injury Association of Michigan (BIAMI), co-sponsored the 1st annual “Lids for Kids” Bike Helmet Giveaway and Bike Safety event, held at Garfield Park in Grand Rapids. This was our first helmet event in the Grand Rapids area, and was a huge success! In two hours, we were able to fit 414 helmets on local children. Students from 85 West Michigan schools, preschools, and daycare centers received free bicycle helmets, custom fit by volunteers from our firm, BIAMI, and a number of case managers and medical professionals in the community. Our event partners, FOX 17, Grand Rapids Public Schools, and Grand Rapids Fire Department also contributed to the success of our event.
In addition to the helmets, children were able to ride through a bicycle obstacle course, and were entered into a raffle to win a number of prizes. A number of Grand Rapids-area businesses and organizations generously donated gift certificates to area restaurants and passes to Grand Rapids area museums, in addition to the six bicycles that were also donated to the cause. Grand Rapids firemen were also on hand to register free bike licenses.
A number of community leaders stopped by the event, thanking the children and their families for attending and emphasizing the importance of wearing a helmet that fits properly when riding a bicycle.
All in all, it was great to see so many individuals coming together to keep our children safe when they ride their bicycles. We’re looking forward to a bigger and even better event next year!
This also appears on the Bike Law network.